Hiking NS

Hiking NS Logo

Exploring Nova Scotia one hiking trail at a time

Wentworth Falls Trail, Wentworth

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Get Inspired


We make videos to try to bring you as close to the experience of hiking the trail as possible. If you find a video you like click on the link in the video description to take you to the trail page.

Inspiration comes in many forms. We try to capture the essence of each trail through photography and video. We share those pictures and videos on social media to get people excited about going out and exploring.

No matter how well we do our job it still doesn't compare to actually hiking the trail. Please take this inspiration and information and use it to get out on your own adventures.


Hiking Trails of Mainland Nova Scotia Book



Explore the galleries to find a trail that looks interesting. Once you find it click on the link to go to the trail information.

Trail Galleries